Our Partners

Together, we can create lasting impacts and a brighter future.

Our Impact Partners

We carefully select our impact partners based on extensive research and our shared vision. Our outstanding local teams, who live, work, and serve in communities experiencing poverty, are our boots-on-the-ground, driving real change. By providing multi-year grants to our partners, we empower them to implement long-term programs for creating lasting impact. Without their hearts, minds, and strength, we could not accomplish what we do in Africa.

Our Medical Partners

Delivering world-class medical care and education is at the heart of Lalumwe’s mission. We connect with trusted medical professionals and organizations through carefully selected networks who share our vision and mission to deliver ongoing medical education through resources, continuing education, and mentoring for local healthcare professionals. Good health is the foundation of great communities and we are honored to lock arms in this effort with some of the world’s greatest professionals.

Shamir Emergency Medical Center Residency Program

Our partnership with Israeli Shamir Emergency Medical Center’s residency program provides innovative, lightweight ultrasound equipment and continuing maternity care education for providers in Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Lalumwe co-founder Dr. Michael Estreicher (right) with head of the emergency room, Dr. XXXX (center), and Dr. XXXX (left)

Lalumwe co-founder Dr. Michael Estreicher (right) with the Chief of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Gal Pachys (middle) and Dr. Hanan Atia (left)

Our Brand Partners

We work closely with our Brand Partners to create mutually beneficial initiatives that lead to incredible impact. Regardless of size or age, we’re confident in our shared ability to generate awareness that drives brand purpose, loyalty, and value for your customers. Together, we can change the world.